An Overview of the Addictive Nature of Fentanyl as well as Treatment Options in Houston

The United States of America is currently experiencing an opioid epidemic. Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is slowly becoming a factor in opioid overdose and mortality throughout the United States. This substance is very powerful, and professional fentanyl addiction treatment is required for long-term sobriety.

You or a loved one is not alone if you’re dealing with fentanyl or another opioid addiction. The staff at Skyward Treatment Center is dedicated to ensuring your full recovery and continued success. The dual diagnosis services we provide at Skyward Center are unparalleled in their ability to help our clients overcome both mental illness and substance abuse.

What is Fentanyl?

Fentanyl, like other opiates and opioids, is synthesized from opium. Opium has a long history of medical and recreational use, but synthetic opioids are much more potent and riskier. Fentanyl, like other opioids, works by blocking pain receptors within the brain and causing a pleasant state of euphoria. Fentanyl is almost 100 times more powerful than morphine and is used for severe pain, surgery, and self-medicating emotional and psychological distress. Because of this, drug misuse and poisoning are common outcomes. Unfortunately, fentanyl is commonly used for lacing other narcotics, making them far more hazardous. The common side effects of fentanyl abuse include:

• Shaking.
• Nausea.
• Vomiting.
• Anxiety.
• Depression.
• Irregular heartbeat.
• Body weakness.
• Chest discomfort.
• Hallucinations and confusion.
• Dizziness

Fentanyl dulls the body’s processing speed, triggers the production of the feel-good neurotransmitter dopamine, and dulls the pain. This may lead to a person going into cardiac arrest, shallow breathing, coma, and eventually dying.

How Addictive Is Fentanyl?

Using fentanyl may quickly become addictive. Fentanyl’s extreme potency makes it risky and addicting, particularly when combined with other drugs like heroin. While fentanyl addiction can occur even after following a prescription, most users get addicted by using the drug in ways not intended by their doctors. Overdose deaths and fentanyl abuse cases have both been on the rise in recent years. The number of fatal overdoses caused by fentanyl has skyrocketed.

How Does Fentanyl Addiction Begin?

Tolerance (requiring more of the medication to experience its effects) and dependency (requiring the drug to prevent withdrawal) to fentanyl, or any opioid, is not rare for anybody who takes the drug, even for a short amount of time. Avoiding experiencing opioid withdrawal symptoms due to dependence may lead to the compulsive usage of the drug, which in turn may develop into addiction. Any drug addiction, including opioids, permanently alters the brain’s motivation and reward systems, making the user reluctant to give up the substance despite its negative effects.

Consult With the Best Fentanyl Addiction Specialists in Houston.

Here at Skyward Treatment Center, we employ a comprehensive approach to addiction treatment, combining medical detox with intensive inpatient care that may include medication-assisted therapy (MAT) if necessary. Our compassionate staff is dedicated to helping those struggling with fentanyl addiction as well as other drug addictions. Get in touch with our admissions staff immediately to learn more about how you may use your insurance or other payment methods to cover the rehab cost. Contact Skyward Center to find out how we can assist you or a loved one in overcoming fentanyl addiction.