Root Canal Therapy: Does It Prevent The Need For Extraction?

When you experience tooth decay, your dentist may restore it with a dental filling to halt the disease progression and prevent further damage. However, when your tooth suffers extensive damage a different treatment approach would help in the form of root canal therapy. It is a common dental procedure that saves your tooth from extraction. 

Acclaimed dentist in Brookhaven, GA offers root canal treatments with state-of-the-art equipment and technology to provide accurate results. 

A comprehensive guide to root canal therapy 

Root canal therapy (RCT) is an endodontic procedure, performed under local anesthesia involving the removal of infected pulp tissues, and replacing it with a biocompatible material like gutta-percha. The pulp is a mass of connective tissue present within the hard enamel and dentin of the tooth. It consists of blood vessels and nerves providing nutrition to the tooth structure. It extends from the crown to the root tip and helps in the growth and development of the tooth. A root canal is a chamber within the central core of the tooth that encloses the pulp. 

The main purpose of RCT is to provide protection to the tooth, prevent reinfection, and save the tooth from unwanted extractions. 

Root canal therapy fights pulp infection 

When a cavity is left untreated, the bacteria can seep through the different layers of the tooth into the inner pulp, causing infection. Root canal therapy is indicated in such situations since regular fillings cannot restore the tooth and do not provide relief from painful symptoms.  

Warning signs of pulp infection 

  • Persistent, lingering pain in the affected tooth
  • A chipped or cracked tooth
  • Tooth discoloration
  • Increased sensitivity to hot and cold foods
  • Swollen gums around the affected tooth
  • Swollen jaw
  • Pain on application of pressure, especially while biting or chewing 
  • An abscess around the infected tooth with or without pus discharge
  • A loose tooth

The procedure involved in root canal therapy 

Root canal therapy involves the following steps:

  • Your dentist will administer local anesthesia to numb the affected tooth.
  • The tooth will be isolated using a rubber dam to prevent moisture contamination during the procedure.
  • The tooth will be excavated to remove the decayed tissue. 
  • An access opening will be made in the pulp chamber with a rotary instrument. 
  • The root canals will be accessed, thoroughly cleaned, and disinfected using rotary files.
  • Your dentist will then fill the canals with a biocompatible material and seal them with gutta-percha. 

Once your tooth heals, it is permanently restored with a suitable dental crown to prevent reinfection and restore its original form and function.