Are CBD Oils and Products Addictive?

The many benefits of cannabidiol (CBD) for people’s general well-being has been rigorously subjected to scientific research.  Some studies have shown showing that CBD possesses anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to reduce anxiety and depression.

CBD products are getting more and more popular these days and there are many sites coming up with these products and is one of them. It’s a reliable site and you can get reliable and affordable CBD products.

Since the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill, which legalized the industrial production of hemp, CBD has garnered massive interest among the public. Other countries such as Canada and the UK have followed suit with several variations of the Cannabis Act, legalizing the use of cannabis derived from hemp.

The European Union also allows hemp cultivation provided the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content does not exceed 0.2%, in accordance with set guidelines for selling CBD.

Other countries, however, have not been so keen to allow CBD into their borders, largely as a result of the confusion between CBD and THC.

CBD lacks the intoxicating effect that produces that ‘high’ feeling one gets after ingesting THC. However, THC, which is the most abundant cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant, has psychoactive properties that make it intoxicating.

In summary, THC interferes with the workings of the CB1 and CB2 receptors of the body, while CBD itself does not.

Is CBD oil addictive?

The simple answer to this question is no. CBD oil is in no way addictive. Even at a molecular level, CBD is not addictive, nor is it capable of making the user get stoned or feel ‘high’ as it is popularly known. This is because the body naturally produces CBD to help maintain its balance.

THC, on the other hand, does get you ‘high’ as it has negative effects on both the brain receptor- CB1, and the body immune receptor, CB2. These negative effects often lead to habitual addiction if not controlled because THC has significant psychoactive properties.

As a derivative from the non-psychoactive parts of the cannabis plant, CBD oil is not addictive. This, as was stated earlier, is because of its inability to trigger intoxication, as it does not interfere in any way with the workings of the body’s CB1 and CB2 receptors.

Rather, it has proven to be quite helpful in giving relief from a number of health problems such as arthritis, anxiety, depression, drug addiction, and inflammation.

Side effects of CBD

Now that you have known that CBD oil in and of itself is not an addictive compound, we will now look at another aspect that needs clarification. Does using CBD oil have any side effects?

Sadly, it does. You might have noticed that CBD does contain some traces of THC (0.3 percent to be exact). So, it would be safe for you to consume it moderately so you don’t get knocked out from excessive consumption.

Other side effects noticed in users of CBD include:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Dry mouth
  • Loss of appetite
  • Increased level of liver enzymes, which could lead to damage of the liver as a result of toxic accumulation
  • Drowsiness

Some CBD oil products have also been noted to interfere with the blood clotting process in people who suffer from hemophilia. However, this doesn’t mean that CBD is not safe to use. It just means that you need to be aware of the potential issues regarding injecting CBD regularly so you can have all of the information available.

That being said, CBD is not chemically or habitually addictive, and can help give relief in a variety of ways. If you are looking for this type of relief, or just need to relax, then you may want to consider giving CBD oil or other CBD products a try.
