Fascinating Facts About Cat’s Whiskers

Whiskers are one of a cat’s most distinctive features, but have you ever wondered why they have them?

Cat’s whiskers are an interesting phenomenon and are thought to perform several essential roles for cats. These long thick hairs, have a wiry texture and are known as tactile hairs or vibrissae. Read on to discover some fascinating cat whisker facts:

Whiskers don’t Just Grow on Your Cat’s Face

When you think of cat’s whiskers, you probably think of the ones that protrude on either side of their nose above their mouth. However, this isn’t the only place that cats have whiskers. Whiskers also grow above their eyes and even on the backs of their front legs. The whiskers on the backs of your cat’s legs are called carpal whiskers.

Your Cat’s Whiskers can Tell You How They Are Feeling

Every pet owner wants their cat to feel happy and healthy. You probably do everything you can to take care of them; from feeding them the best wet cat food through to playing with them to keep them stimulated. But, have you ever looked at your cat and wondered how it is feeling? If so, their whiskers can offer you some clues.

If your cat’s whiskers look like they are tightly pulled back towards their face, they could be feeling tense, or perhaps threatened by something that they can either see or sense. A cat that feels content usually has relaxed whiskers. Whiskers that are pushed forward are usually a sign that your cat has seen or sensed something that has sparked their curiosity. So, next time you are wondering how your cat is feeling, take a look at their whiskers to find out!

Cat Whiskers are a Useful Measuring Tool

Cats rely on their super-sensitive whiskers as a clever measuring tool. A cat uses its whiskers to test whether its body will fit through a gap before attempting to squeeze through. The whiskers are an extremely accurate way for cats to measure a space, as the measurement from the end of one whisker to the end of the other is actually the same width as the cat’s body.

Be Careful of Your Cat’s Whiskers

Have you ever been tempted to give your cat’s whiskers a trim? Or, maybe you have been tempted to run your hands along them, just because they look so cute. Whatever, you are thinking of doing to your cat’s whiskers – stop! Don’t do it!

Your cat’s whiskers are more than mere hair; they are a finely tuned extra sensitive tool that your cat uses for many things. Messing around with your cat’s whiskers, especially attempting to trim them will cause your cat significant discomfort.

Your cat will probably lose the odd whisker or two now and then, but if you attempt to alter them yourself, your cat will lose out on all the essential functions that the whiskers perform. This will mean that they can no longer use them to measure space and sense their surroundings.